Retiree Plus Membership
Texas AFT Retiree Plus is a powerful voice for retired educators and school employees. Membership is open to any retired school employee. Join us today. #ThriveTogether
Texas AFT is coordinating a statewide campaign to get out the vote in support of a cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA), but we can’t win without your support. Sign on NOW to join the fight for a COLA this November!
Texas AFT Retiree Plus focuses exclusively on educating members and lobbying the state Legislature about the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, protecting your pension and TRS-Care.

Membership is just $2 per month. Stay connected and be a part of our movement to secure the retirement you deserve.

Members get many benefits, including local, state, and national legislative advocacy in addition to our AFT+ Member Benefits.

Join our statewide campaign to win a COLA for retirees. We need your help to win in November.

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Texas AFT has partnered with BMG Money’s LoansForRetirees to help you with unexpected expenses. BMG Money’s LoansforRetirees offers reliable, affordable on-line installment loans to help in times of need.
Apply regardless of credit score.
Sign up now at app.bmgmoney.com/signup and type “Texas American Federation of Teachers for Retirees” or as the name of your employer
Retiree Plus Member Benefits
- $2 Dues Per Month – The best investment you could ever make in your retirement is ensuring that you have a voice in the decision-making process. Join us today!
- Local, State, and National Advocacy – Be a part of a movement that seeks to reclaim the promise of a secure retirement with access to affordable healthcare for public school employees.
- Texas AFT Legislative Program – Lobby the state Legislature about the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, protecting your pension and TRS-Care
- National AFT Legislative Program – Stay on top of key national issues affecting retired members by advocating our positions on critical issues such as Social Security (Social Security Fairness Act) and Medicare to members of Congress and White House staff.
- Save Big Dollars – members receive thousands of discounts saving you and your family money on travel, entertainment, shopping, hotels, rental cars, movie tickets, etc.
- AFL-CIO’s 4 Million-Member Alliance for Retired Americans – All AFT retirees are automatically members of the national alliance and are not required to pay dues. The pre-eminent grass-roots organization for older Americans, the alliance has been a leader in the recent Medicare and Social Security battles, and plays a key role in national, state and local elections.
- Publications – Retired members will continue to receive their current state and national publications. In addition, a quarterly Texas AFT Retiree Plus e-news letter will be provided. Members are encouraged to sign up to receive national updates by clicking here – AFT Retiree E-Activist.
- Social Media Connection – Follow us in social media and join our Facebook page.
We turned in the keys to our classroom — not our voices.
Where We Stand
Texas AFT retired members are front and center in our union’s national and state legislative campaigns to honor their service with a secure, healthy and productive retirement.
Texas AFT retirees work to strengthen public education, public services and healthcare, and their professions; they battle to improve key state and federal programs, traditional pensions and health care coverage for today’s and tomorrow’s retirees. Texas AFT retirees work for real reform in education—reform that protects public schools from programs like vouchers, tuition tax credits and other forms of privatization that put private profit before children’s education.
It is evident that retired school employees are facing rising medical costs and decreased benefits. Together, the organized effort of Texas AFT Retiree Plus can help deliver the respect all retirees deserve.