Political Activity

We encourage members to be engaged in the political process, but you should be strategic and mindful in that engagement.

Discussing Political Activity at Work

The answer to whether you can discuss political candidates with others at work depends on the time, audience, and other factors. We recommend public school employees refrain from political conversations during their assigned duty.

If during your duty-free lunch and/or conference period you want to discuss a political candidate(s), you have that right on your own, duty-free time. That said, remember that your audience of co-workers may or may not want to hear what you have to say, and they can file complaints.

While Texas AFT always encourages members to advocate for themselves, their students, and their schools, we suggest you keep any political conversations confined to non-work time. If speaking about a specific candidate, we recommend you do so off-campus.

It also is unlawful to use any district resources for political activity. That includes paper, copy machines, and emails. That prohibition also can include receiving political email. Therefore, Texas AFT strongly recommends that you use your personal email when participating in advocacy issues or political campaigns.

Bottom line: To engage in political advocacy, do it on your own time, on your own device. For more information, see our guidance on social media and personal devices.

Political Activity as a Union Member

Your union membership dues cannot be used to contribute funds to political campaigns.

Instead, you can choose to donate to Texas AFT’s political action fund. Note: Texas AFT can solicit political fund donations from only its members and their immediate family members. If you’re unsure about your eligibility to donate, call us at 512-448-0130.


If you have questions or concerns or need legal counsel, please contact your local union. If you’re a member of the Associate Membership Program, please contact the AMP service department.